Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Been busy being a good little consumer...

Shopping is what makes the world go 'round, after all! (grrr)

Redbeard wanted me to get myself some clothes n' stuff. So, I did. I am always looking out for items for Monkey and Redbeard and I put mine off. So, this was my orgy. :D Well, at least it felt decadent and over-the-top considering how long it had been since I shopped for myself. We've been on a tight budget for a very long time.

I think we are done for now, though, and that's good (aside from the chest freezer which it only makes sense to buy at a bricks & mortar-- the shipping online is outrageous). I can only stand so much shopping before I get really cranky. Completely aside from the shopping though, I'm still cranky due to that PMS that was and still is (though my period has yet to arrive but the test I took this morning was negative).

Lame. :(

I mean, it's okay that the test was neg (meaning I can still drink heavily, which I say but don't end up doing) but I could really stand to be done with this pissy ass attitude!

Well, Monkey is murmuring so I'd better go get started for the day. It's really the little things, aye? My new shoes are coming today! :)


  1. new shoes can fix anything... if, for some odd reason that doesn't work, i'd go with the heavy drinking.

  2. The freedom to drink heavily is always more fun than actually drinking heavily. No amount of freedom causes actual vomiting!

    Are you TTC? Good luck!

  3. Rachel, those new shoes are so cute! AND too big (shoulda got a 7.5 instead of an 8)... I thought b/c they were 2A narrows that would "fit" them enough. Alas. Too slippery on the bottom too. Despite my opposable thumb and upright stature, I stumble around searching for equilibrium half the time (withOUT the heavy drinking). I have to have tread I can COUNT on; I don't know why a person wouldn't want a shoe to stay where you put it when you stepped out...? Strange.

    That just leaves the heavy drinking. [Sigh] Too bad that we don't have my 'manly' drink of choice in the house (Starbucks coffee liqueur). Even when we do, it just sits and sits... until Redbeard starts making Caucasians with it!

    MrsSoersdal-- my and Rachel's brother always says "Puking is not a party." I think we're all agreed on that! I'll put myself through endless nausea rather than actually throw up; that's probably masochistic but I *hate* the involuntary violence of vomiting. If it was more measured or gradual, I wouldn't mind as much- though could I choose, I'd still rather do any hated chore than throw up!

    And yes, we are TTC. :) I'm kind of kicking myself (gently) with the timing though, b/c 2 summers ago I was in 2nd & 3rd trimester with Monkey (b. Oct 10th) and it was Very Hot. The benefit was that I didn't have to buy expensive maternity items (coat, sweaters, jeans) or worry about ungainly footing in the snow/ice. It's a tossup! :)
