Monday, April 6, 2009

Resource Management and Blessed Spring

I'm as tired as all get out. I'm only 2 years older than when I was last pregnant, but about 40 lbs heavier and responsible for an 18 month terror. It makes a huge ton of difference-- read HARDER.

Redbeard has had to pick up a lot of slack b/c I've just been so damn tired that even though it bothers me, I have NOT had the energy to pick up the house or even make dinner. It's all I can do to watch Monkey, who has been a crazy wild thing. I feel very strongly about each of us doing our jobs, though I certainly let Redbeard help when he gets home b/c I don't get any days off or breaks unless there's a blessed nap. It's all been kind of depressing and upsetting because I know I'm not doing what I strongly feel is "my part," but even that is not enough to overcome the pregnancy fatigue and my funk.

Now that the weather is beginning to look up, my spirits are lifting too. It was a very closed-in winter this year with lots of snow and changes and stressful things. I'm the bolsterer and the one who tends to reframe things to see the positive, but without any extra energy, I've not been able to fulfill that role either. But, I'm going to focus on getting it back and because it's a rewarding cycle, I'm going to get outdoors and get Monkey outdoors, which tires him out and gives me more energy AND time, (if he's tired out) which allows me more resources to get what I need to get done-- which helps my marriage and my tired husband.

It's just what needs to happen. The second trimester is coming soon too-- and that is always a better time with a lot more energy AND focus on nesting and just getting it done! I really look forward to that.

Well, I'm going to do some stuff while Monkey-boy is napping and then we're going to go somewhere outside and see what kind of trouble we can get into!

Best to all-- hope spring has sprung for you too!

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